Cybersecurity for Manufacturers EDGENETIC helps to protect the most business-critical assets, such as the Intellectual Property (IP) of the world’s major manufacturers.

Manufacturers Have Become Cybersecurity Targets

From automotive to energy providers, engineering to aerospace, manufacturing companies are proving to be susceptible to the latest cyber threats. A recent IBM report revealed manufacturing and global supply chains experienced more attacks than any other industry in 2021, including finance and insurance. Attackers wagered on the fact that downstream pressure from suppliers would encourage fast settlement of ransoms.


Intellectual Property (IP) is an Active Target for Hackers

EDGENETIC ‘s research teams have noted a pattern of attacks that showed a rise of sophisticated attackers such as cybercrime groups and nation-states. However, research also revealed that cybercriminals were starting to focus on targeting Intellectual Property (IP), a crucial asset for its manufacturing sector clients and a trend in ransomware attacks.


Examples of Security Breaches in Manufacturing

  • REvil Ransomware group compromised the Chicago-based clean energy company Invenergy in June 2021, compromising its computer systems and exfiltrating four terabytes of data. The stolen data allegedly included project data, contracts, and personal information of executives.
  • Another successful attack was performed against the Taiwanese electronics and computer maker Acer. In March 2021, a ransom was made for $50 million dollars and financial data and bank communications were shared publicly as proof of the breach.

What Can Manufacturers Do To Protect Themselves Against Cyber Attacks?

1. Acknowledge The Threat Is Real

Make cybersecurity a business priority. If you do not want to fall victim to the risk of cybercriminals, and risk loss of production time and critical IP such as blueprints, confidential data, secret formulas, or bespoke processes then cybersecurity must feature high on your agenda and become an executive board-level priority.

Risk assess critical networks. Failure to secure old systems and critical infrastructures such as is a ticking time bomb for a cyber attack. Short-term disruption to production could harm the organisation’s ability to operate and fulfil orders. However, long-term it could devastate the organisation and your brand.

Create a cybersecurity strategy. Work with security specialists that have expertise in your industry such as EDGENETIC  to advise and help you devise an actionable cybersecurity strategy and plans that address advanced threats without obstructing operations where it is possible.

Reduce risk through automation. A suggestion would be to manage processes through automation or artificial intelligence rather than physically adding to the infrastructure. By taking this approach, you are reducing your scope and the complexity of the environment where possible to better manage your risks.

Budget accordingly. Allocate enough budget and resources to implement your plans.

NIST framework. Ensure your plan considers the NIST cybersecurity framework for manufacturing where appropriate.

EDGENETIC  Can Help Your Organisation to Become Cyber Secure

Explore our related cyber services for manufacturing services clients:

Cybersecurity Strategy
and Planning

Create a board-level
cybersecurity strategy & plan

ISO 27001

Addresses requirements for an information security management system

Security Audit

Analyse your IT infrastructure,
exposing weaknesses and
high-risk practices

Managed Security

Outsource your network
security services to
cybersecurity experts

Managed Detection
and Response

Improve your ability to detect
and respond to threats

Red Teaming

penetration testing

Social Engineering

Explore human weaknesses
found in the organisation

Penetration Testing

Evaluate the security
of your system(s)

Web Application Testing

Assess applications for
potential bugs before
going live

Incident Response

Address and manage the
aftermath of a security breach
or attack

Security Training

Deliver security awareness
training for key business
stakeholders such as employees

Why Choose EDGENETIC  As Your Cybersecurity Partner?

Mitigate cyber risk

EDGENETIC  helps its clients to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, giving a first-line cyber defence and response to all types of incident, and resilience to stand up to cyber-attacks. It also encourages intelligence sharing amongst the manufacturing industry, and sophisticated testing to mitigate an organisations risk of a breach or an attack at every level.

EDGENETIC ‘s cybersecurity credentials

As a trusted member of CREST and one of the world’s first accredited CBEST testing organisations you can be sure that you are in the most capable hands.

We are proud to be one of the few global companies that is certified by CREST across all key disciplines. Our team of consultants have achieved the highest accreditations for Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Incident Response services and Threat Intelligence. In parallel, we were the first organisation to be accredited for our Security Operation Centre services.

EDGENETIC  are certified by a range of governing bodies for our work within highly regulated industries, in the manufacturing sectors and the payment card industry and are approved as a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) company. We practise what we preach and have the highest levels of rigour applied to all the risk management and security controls that are relevant to our organisation itself. We are certified against ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

EDGENETIC ‘s research and development

Through its research and development (R&D) as well as active client work, EDGENETIC ‘s dedicated R&D team analyses and studies threat actor behaviour, gaining greater insight into the specific threat landscape within the manufacturing sector. You can also access EDGENETIC ‘s latest zero-day discoveries through EDGENETIC  and subscribe to receiveEDGENETIC ‘s most recent findings as they are publicly released. 

Get in touch via the form below and get a free quote from us for our Red Team Security Testing services.

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